Mathis Hammel

I've always been passionate about Capture The Flag and competitive programming, with several achievements in national and international events.

After working for Google and the French ministry of Defence as a Machine Learning R&D engineer for a few years, I have joined Sogeti in 2019 as the deputy CTO and director of cybersecurity R&D, and the captain of the first semi-professional CTF team in France.

With my brother Clément I also founded a startup called h25, which organizes tech challenges and fosters a community of nearly 2000 members aiming to make programming and cybersecurity competitions accessible to everyone, both welcoming newcomers and hosting discussions between experts.

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The Quantum Revolution

L'avènement de l'informatique quantique semble se préciser de plus en plus, et les avancées du domaine laissent à penser qu'il n'y a plus de doute que cette technologie sera disponible dans les décennies voire années à venir. Les implications d'un tel système de calcul sont nombreuses, et notamment sur la sécurité des communications chiffrées.